Privacy Policy


This is a private webpage.


The following privacy policy applies to all parts of our website. We protect your personal data. In the following text we describe what personal data is, under what criteria personal information about the use of our website is collected, how and for what purpose it is used and what we do to protect your personal data against misuse by third parties.

Person related data is data that can be assigned to a specific natural person, which can therefore be used to determine the identity of a natural person. The use of our webpage is generally possible without the active provision of personal data.

The hosting provider needs to log the following meta data:
– Browsertype and -version
– Website from which you visit us (Referrer-URL)
– Website you visit
– Date and time of your access
– Your Internet Protocol (IP) address

Use of Cookies

Cookies are short, simple text-based files that a web page sends to your browser and then stores it on your computer. Cookies do not disturb, impair or damage your computer. Temporary, so-called session cookies remain stored on your device only as long as you stay on our site and will be automatically deleted after the end of your visit. In addition, we use non-temporary cookies to recognize your browser the next time you visit our site in order to make the offerings of our website more customer-friendly.

You can determine in the settings of your browser that you are informed about the setting of cookies and / or that you only allow cookies in individual cases or that you exclude the acceptance of cookies in general or in certain cases. Also, the automatic deletion of all cookies when you quit your browser is possible. These measures may restrict the functionality of our website.